
This guide will provide you with a high-level overview of the key components within G-Suite, how they interact, and the role each plays in enhancing your trading experience.

Indicators - Analyze

In G-Suite, indicators serve as the foundation for your trading analysis. These are powerful tools that provide insights into various aspects of market dynamics. Indicators help you understand trends, volatility, and potential entry or exit points.

Strategies - Trigger

G-Suite allows you to compose strategies using the analyzed data from indicators. Strategies are sets of rules that determine when to trigger trading signals, such as buy or sell orders. These rules are based on the insights gained from the indicators.

Studies - Test

To ensure the robustness of your strategies, G-Suite offers studies for comprehensive backtesting. Studies allow you to test your strategies against historical data, applying risk and trade management principles. This step is crucial to refine and optimize your strategies before applying them in live trading.

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